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- Python: High-level, interpreted programming language
- Created by Guido van Rossum in 1991
- Known for readability and simplicity
- Indentation-based syntax (no curly braces)
- Dynamically typed
- Supports multiple programming paradigms
- Large standard library
- Extensive third-party packages via PyPI
- Basic data types: int, float, str, bool, list, tuple, dict, set
- Variables: no declaration needed, just assign
- Conditional statements: if, elif, else
- Loops: for, while
- Functions defined with ‘def’ keyword
- Classes for object-oriented programming
- Modules for code organization
- Exception handling with try/except
- List comprehensions for concise list creation
- Lambda functions for small anonymous functions
- Built-in functions: print(), len(), range(), etc.
- File I/O operations
- String manipulation and formatting
- Popular for web development, data science, AI/ML
- Major frameworks: Django, Flask, Pandas, NumPy, TensorFlow
- Interpreted, can be run without compilation
- Interactive mode for quick testing
- Cross-platform compatibility
- Strong community support
- Regular updates and improvements
- Used by companies like Google, NASA, Netflix
- Easy integration with C/C++ code
- Supports functional programming concepts
- Garbage collection for memory management
- Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in CPython
- Multiple implementations: CPython, Jython, IronPython
- Rich set of built-in data structures
- Decorators for modifying functions
- Context managers (with statement)
- Generators for efficient iteration
- Asynchronous programming support (async/await)
- Extensive documentation and learning resources